Thursday, September 5, 2024

Notebook prompt: Uncle Albert

What is your sense of Uncle Albert as a character? How would you describe the role he plays in Lewis's life, based on what you've observed so far? What do you make of his personality, his general style, his way of being in the world? Do you see him as a positive influence on Lewis?

Identify relevant passages in the text that illustrate or support your observations.

Take 5 minutes now to reflect on this prompt in your Notebook.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Notebook prompt: First Impressions of Lewis

What are your first impressions of Lewis Blake, as a narrator and as a character? How would you describe his narrative voice/style? How does he orient us to his world through his narration? How does he depict himself as a character in his own story?

Take 5 minutes now to contemplate these questions in your Notebook, in preparation for today's discussion.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

DALN Questions: Brainstorming for the Reader's Autobiography

To help you start thinking about your own life experiences in terms of a story that might make a good reflective essay, the prompts provided for participants in the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives can be helpful to jump-start the brainstorming process. For your first prompted entry in your class Notebook, please select three or four of the DALN questions and write a paragraph or two in response to each before our class meeting on Thursday, August 22. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Proper Nouns and Pronouns

Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey, so I can do my best to address you with your preferred proper name and pronouns:

6th period LL2: 

8th period LL2: 

You can update this information at any point in the school year by following the link and entering a new date. I will not receive notifications for any changes or updates, however, so please send me a quick note via email to let me know.

Thank you!